The intense selling in some stocks last week may be linked to the forced liquidation of positions held by Archegos Capital. Legacy media companies Discovery and ViacomCBS fell sharply on Friday with Chinese internet ADR's Baidu, Tencent and Vipshop also caught up in the selling. Larry McDonald, editor of the Bear Traps Report, joined "Squawk Box" on Monday to discuss
Feb. 01, 2021 - 10:14 - Silver briefly hits its highest level since 2013 as Reddit users drive up contracts; The Bear Traps Report founder Larry McDonald gives his outlook on the investing environment.
Lori Calvasina, Head of U.S. Equity Strategy at RBC Capital Markets, joins Larry McDonald, Editor of the Bear Traps Report and a CNBC Contributor, to discuss how to play the markets in 2021 and beyond. MON, JAN 25 20217:10 AM EST
What happens when the monetary and fiscal engines run too hot? This is the question that Larry McDonald, New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Bear Traps Report, explores with Real Vision CEO, Raoul Pal. McDonald and Pal start by analyzing the valuations of high-flying tech stocks and discuss whether they will continue to soar or make an early landing. The pair then examine in detail the remarkable price action seen over the past few months in commodities such as precious metals, lumber, and natural gas. McDonald compiles this appreciation as evidence to explore his thesis that excessive stimulus could serve as a "cobra effect" to augur a hyperinflationary economic collapse.
CNBC’s Kelly Evans discusses whether Washington, D.C.’s gridlock on fiscal stimulus amid the pandemic will impact Wall Street as well as Main Street, with Larry McDonald of The Bear Traps Report and Patrick Chovanec of Silvercrest Asset Management