If it was a fight, they’d stop it. Bonds are crushing stocks 2014-16.
We have a Swiss bond below, a move 100 to 230 at nosebleed levels.
Join us today. Get on the Bear Traps ReportJapanese, German and Swiss bond yields plunged to records, as government debt around the world extended its best gains in two decades, with the prospect of Britain leaving the European Union boosting demand for havens.
Brexit Risk is creating extreme panic buying in bonds. They’re jumping over the seats, swinging on the chandeliers, trying to get out through the bath room window, all in an effort to buy bonds.
Everyday the Fed doesn’t hike rates, they’re shoving more capital in places it just shouldn’t be
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen fueled the rally by saying Wednesday slow productivity growth and aging societies may keep interest rates at depressed levels. Fewer Fed officials expect the central bank to raise interest rates more than once this year than they did three months ago, based on projections the central bank issued. The Bank of Japan said inflation in the nation may be zero or negative, while holding monetary policy unchanged.
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